Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm not dead.

Just in case y'all thought I was.

No, I'm not dead. BUT I went on vacation for 1.5 weeks, then came back to a busy schedule. I came back on September 5 (0r 6, or 9....). And it's been crazy ever since. Monday: School, breathing, errands. Tuesday: School, lunch, physical science 12:45-3:00, then rush to Ballet, which lasts until 4:30. Then Nan, my sissy, has a tutoring job (Yays!) that lasts from 5-6 PM. Wednesdays are always different. Every other week is piano and a science test, every third week is art, plus youth group and regular school. Thursdays, we basically eat breakfast, then we go to a friend's house. There, Nan takes chemistry and literature with 4 (or is it 5?) other girls, while I do writing with a friend, and do math. We eat lunch there, then go to drama, which lasts till 3. Sundays are out, too. So you can see, blogging has been put on the back burner.
ANYWAYS. I shall try to make a bigger effort toward blogging more frequently, before my follows (all four of them) start picking out virtual gravestones.

Most sincerely and with best wishes,

Tee hee.

Lady Awdur