Monday, January 15, 2018

Winter Wonderland Tag

I have been tagged! The Author at To Write or Not To Write was kind enough to tag me with a

Winter Wonderland Tag

The rules:

  • Link back to The Storybook Journal
  • Answer the questions and think wintery thoughts. Include pictures if you like.
  • Tag at least three people
I tag: 

The questions:

1. Name a few things you love about winter, and a few things you don't love so much about it.

I'm very fond of sweaters, snow, frost on windows, having a fire at night, and cuddling under blankets.

I don't love mucky slush and huge coats.

2. When you were a child, did you "believe" in Santa Claus?
Oh, yes. I was a very believing sort, before I got old and cynical. (Just kidding, I'm still rather naive about things). When I was told at eight years old I was mad and refused to believe my parents at first.

3. Is there a book or movie that you really like to enjoy in the winter as opposed to other times of the year?
Not a particular one, but I start craving Lord of the Rings after Christmas, and Agatha Christie mysteries always seem nice when one is huddled inside.

4. Is there a particular Christmas movie that you watch every year as a tradition?
Not really. We tried to start a tradition of watching It's a Wonderful Life on New Years, but that only happened a few years. One gets tired of the traditional movies if they're watched every single year. I'm greatly fond of A Christmas Carol and White Christmas, as well, though.

5. Do you usually get a fake tree or a real tree for Christmas? Who is in charge of decorating it at your house?
Oh, real all the way. The smell of the Christmas tree is probably my favorite smell in the world. My middle sister, my mom and myself usually decorate it together.

6. Does your family usually stay home or go visiting (relatives, friends, etc.) on Christmas Day?
This year was the first year I did not stay at home. We've always had a Christmas at home, sometimes with one of my grandmas or my married sister visiting us. This year, after Christmas breakfast, we went to my oldest sister's house.

7. What does your family usually do on New Years Eve? Any traditions? Do you ever stay up till midnight?
 It's different every year. We do stay up till midnight, though it's been less exciting now that staying up till midnight happens multiple times a year. We used to blow horns and throw confetti, which was fun.

8. Do you get snow where you live? If so, have you ever built a snowman and named him Olaf?
We get snow every winter, but only about four out of five winters do we get enough to make things. I have built a snowman (I think it was a snowwoman, actually), but it was much harder than it looks. I definitely did not name any snowmen Olaf.

9. If it's snowing outside, would you prefer to go outside and build snowmen and enjoy it, or would you rather stay inside with a blanket and something hot to drink and maybe a movie or a book?
I like to tromp around after a very light snow, but I prefer to curl up inside with hot chocolate and a movie or book.

10. When do you start looking forward to or getting excited about Spring?
I only get excited for spring in May. I greatly dislike being hot — and ergo Summer — so the beginning of Spring is depressing, as it forebodes the ending of cold and sweaters and etc.

Stay warm! (Or cool, if you live in Australia.)


(I actually followed all the rules. Look at me.)


  1. I loved reading your answers, Awdur!!

    Thank you for tagging me! This looks like a fun one!!


    1. I finally got it done - it's the first tag in this post:


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