Friday, January 19, 2018

My six year old baby

As some of you know, and some of you do not, in January 2012 I started a King Arthur story. Since then, he has been largely ignored, with intermittent half-hearted promises to do otherwise. I have finished other stories in the interval, but until today, this unfinished story has weighed upon my conscience.
Until today, readers.
Though I definitely rushed the ending, and those few thousand words may be some of the worst I've ever written, it is done. I had to finish before I could edit (and, boy, does this story need editing). The 107, 102 words that The Arthurian Chronicles wound up to be are inconsistent, filled with plot holes and poor plot choices. It is repetitive and probably contradictory at the same time.

But I do feel some satisfaction that, even if I never edit it and no one besides my grandkids ever read it, Arthur's story has reached an ending at last.
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  1. Congrats on finishing!!! That is an excellent accomplishment. I know how it feels to have a story unfinished, I hope to finish mine one of these days....


  2. Woohoo! Way to go Awdur!! Lots of time went into this baby, so feel good!


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